Saturday, July 9, 2011

Treasure Hunting

today was adventure day. we had a goal of getting a few things for the garden .... and seeing how cheaply we could source it all.  even the kids thought it would be a grand day out!

we're ready!  let's go!

i should rewind.... our goal was to get chook poo and hay for the yard.  we need to build a few more beds, move a few things and get them all bedded down the no dig way with lasagna layers of poo, dirt, straw ... you get the picture!  the adventure part was doing it cheaply (e.g., NOT from the local produce or hardware store!), and having no idea where we were going!

the first strike was pretty easy.  we got our chook poo!  thank you very much!  8 bags for $20 .... ain't complaining there (well, actually i did a little later when we saw some for $2 a bag rather than $2.50 .... but it was still immensly cheaper than the hardware store!)

yo mum!  this stuff stinks!  hahahaha!

and then next!  well ..... truth be told, we got lost .... a bit!  kids had a bit of a nap ... we drove some more ... retraced our steps .... but we did find hay and even got our hands on some mushroom compost!

our haul!  not bad!

all in all, we paid just over $60 for all of this.  and wow .... look what we have now .....

our newest bed!  note that we have started putting
old junk in the yard ... our effort to make it just
a bit more eclectic!

tada!  our newest bed.  and i have a bale of hay left ..... 6 bags of chook poo and 4 bags of mushroom compost still to get through.  it felt really good sourcing stuff cheaply.  it didn't have to look good, or be packaged in the "approved" way .... it was just what it was.  and it worked!  ( i mean lets face it ... why put a pretty face on chook poo!) give this bed a few weeks to settle in .... my onions will be ready to plant out by then and voila!  i have my onion / leek and garlic bed!  yeah!

oh .... and i have to boast.  i was wandering through the beds today and found the following asparagus spear shooting up!  it was one of the first things we planted (actually transplanted this one) .... and i am so happy to see it bedding in .... and now i'm really ready for spring to hit!  bring it on!

p.s.  my egg quantities have doubled as well .... come on!  i want to do my spring happy dance!


  1. thelittleblackcowblog.blogspot.comJuly 10, 2011 at 10:14 AM

    I want spring too, Maggie. What a great day out for the kids,you did well sourcing all that stuff.
    Hope the wind doesn't blow all that hay away. It is blowing a gale on our hill today.

  2. it's picked up a bit .... but not as bad as early last week! egad! we had one tree come down in our yard .... not very big, mind you .... but it did fall on our neighbors driveway. go figure! we had a blast out .... and saw some muscovey ducks and drakes for sale .... was soooo tempted! spring will see us adding 6-8 chooks and 2-3 ducks. ducks ... can't wait for the eggs ... but it's mostly to control the slug problem!

  3. Mushroom compost... that should be good! I heard about it but I forgot what they said, is it made from mushrooms or from the soil where the mushrooms grew?


  4. Well done sourcing all that stuff for the garden.Your garden looks great. I don't mind the winter so much if it just wasn't so windy. It really has dried the ground up so much.But I'm sure that in a month I'll be looking forward to the warmth and the new spring growth.
