Tuesday, September 27, 2011

things not to do when you are moving

... don't think you can get it all done at the last minute!
... don't go camping in sub zero weather and catch pneumonia (leaving your partner to do all the hard yakka!)
... it's okay to farm out the kids .... really.  they'd have had more fun if we had.
... relax
... and remember to enjoy the journey

i've not been remiss, but just been  very sick so no word from me. (truly, getting pneumonia and having a hospital stay while trying to move is ludicrous!  don't they know i'm busy!)

tomorrow the removalists arrive!

wednesday we head out to canberra for a national filipino adoption festival.

monday we head north ....

see you when we arrive and my head has unscrambled a bit!

until then .... well ... smile, have fun and remember to enjoy our world a bit!


1 comment:

  1. HOpe you feel better soon. Just remember you have all the time in the world to get things going when you get to your new place....don't rush, enjoy the journey.
