Wednesday, September 14, 2011

good for the soul ....

moving sale is done and dusted.  made a sweet $400+ to go towards a cool family present once we hit casino.

but i think the thing that has surprised me is the sense of peace that came out of it for me.  being so very generous .... practically giving things away.  the joy on adult and kid faces alike ....

the little girl and boy who were playing with the toys and her mum said that they were looking for something specific and couldn't buy them toys.  so i ask the kids if they could help me by taking the two kids sleeping bags and the Dora inflatable bed to help us out.  and of course the bag of dress-ups that needed a new home with that sweet little girl... i just knew she'd have fun with those.  <g>

and the lovely German accented grandma who asked if the Christmas tree really was for sale and how big.  i assured her it was 7ft and we had loved it heaps.  she was so excited .... declaring to her hubby that she'd finally be able to do up Christmas with a big tree the way she always wanted <g>

those things really made me happy.

it's simply!  getting rid of stuff is really good for the soul.  i would highly recommend it for any and all who want a brisk de-cluttering of their lives.

it's all happening

Lea's not quite sure what to make of it all.

My mate Deidre .... couldn't have done
the day without her!

A peek through the front bed .... stuff certainly was moving!


  1. So pleased for you , Maggie. Mmmm, $400 could buy two goats with that!!!

  2. kim ... now that's a grand idea!
