Monday, June 4, 2012

... join us on the journey ...

check it out ....

my blog will be changing it's view .... slightly.

as JustEarth takes off .... that blog will be about our work to establish the farm.

this blog will become much more personal.  my personal struggles to help our family live day-to-day in a sustainable way.

.... not the least of which will be the stresses and trials of yes .... living in caravan for over a year!  ugh.  but i'll share that personal note soon.

i am looking forward to what this blog will become .... from re-attempting sourdough .... to helping my kids with their homework and striving for balance in our lives as a family.

thanks for supporting us so far ... there is joy in the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Great news , Maggie! Can't wait to hear your adventures.
