we need trees
lots of trees
to create a food forest
to give us shelter
to feed us and give us fuel
but wait. oh geez .... how do we water them???? tend them while we are waiting for them to take? and at this time of year when we don't get much rain?
brilliant! thank you sweetie!
this will allow us to continue to plant up and down that line of trees for a few months yet, and ensure that we have a source of water that we can go out to as we build up our forest. eventually we will have a rain water tank in with a gravity fed ag line i'm fairly sure .... but in the meantime, every other day i am bringing out 5 x 3 ltr containers of water and a 10 ltr container. watering the trees and putting the extra in the garbage bin to keep the storage growing. it seems to be working!
the other thing we need to do is create soil.
it is at the heart of what JustEarth is all about .... acknowledging that soil .... this good earth is what will enable us to create a sustainable way of life that will go on into the future.
so we need to make compost. it's really a family affair at this point .... and i think the kids enjoyed themselves!
we've placed a thick layer of cardboard down with a trailer load of wood chip and mulch clippings on top. this has been watered in a bit and the next layer will be some green kitchen scraps and more grass clippings. that should do well. i expect there will be a number of these piles appearing all over our land.
and on one final note. we don't have a lot of money and we need to get this property under control with all the tall grass. can't afford a machine to slash (a waste of money) .... and would hire someone to slash, but even that is a lot. if we can get this slashed we can start creating straw .... which will create our beds later .... quick answer? a scythe!
i reckon this is pretty ambitious. but it also means we can do a section at a time get it under control and then move on from there. on face value a good plan .... and good for the health too! we will certainly keep you informed of how this one comes together!